Cheer Car Wash

Cheer Car Wash
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Sunday, January 30, 2011

Schedule January 31st -February 8th


Wednesday, Feb. 2ndP:

Friday, Feb. 4th:
GAME DAY: Wear your uniform to school with liners and if you are cold you can wear your warm up pants underneath your skirt. Wear your uniform minus the liner to the game. Be at the gym by 4:45 pm for your game. Also ... that night during the Varsity half-time game is Senior night so I encourage you to stay and support Clara and Caitlin on their last home game of the season.

Tuesday,Feb. 8th:
Wear spirit colors to school. Go BIG and be CREATIVE ... it's our last game and we are playing PA. Do it up!! Wear your uniform minus the liner to the game. There has been a change to the schedule for the PA game. Both JV boys and girls are playing at 3:30 pm so you will only cheer for the boys game in the main gym. You will ride the bus over to PA from school and I haven't been given the departure time yet so I will let you know as soon as I know. You will remain at the gym for the remainder of the Varsity games. I anticipate the bus being back to the Sequim high school around 9 pm. If you decide to ride home with a parent or sibling ... I must have written permission from your parent. Just to clarify a verbal permission from your parent is not acceptable.


Tuesday, Jan. 1st:
Practice 3-4:30 pm

Wednesday, Jan. 2nd:
Practice 3-4:30 pm

Friday, Jan. 4th:
GAME DAY: Dress up to school. Wear polos to the game. Please be aware that it is Senior night and I would appreciate it if you would all stick around in the gym during half-time to congratulate Clara and Caitlin on their "cheer career" (ha ha). :)

Tuesday, Jan. 8th:
GAME DAY: Show your Purple Pride and dress in spirit colors to school. Go big ... it's our last game and we are playing PA. We will be taking a van over to PA and we will leave at 4:15 pm. Wear your uniforms to the game. If you decide to ride home from the game with a parent or sibling you must give me WRITTEN permission from your parent.

I sent out statements and a newsletter so please if you haven't received yours let me know. I really need your emails so that I can send the next newsletter via email. My email is: I ask that each of you send me an email so that I can add yours into my contacts. If you don't have email text me so that I know to mail you a copy of the newsletter. I also need your parent's emails. I want to include them as well.

The Youth Cheer Camp was a success and we couldn't have accomplished that without everyone's help. I am so proud of all of you for getting up early (ugh!) and giving your all to the day and the event. I have received many feedback comments and they all expressed how much we touched their daughter's life. You girls influence these children in such a way that the parents feel the positive impact and are grateful for that. :)

After the game on Friday I had a individual come up to me and comment about the lack of respect that some of the JV cheerleaders showed during the playing of the National Anthem during at the start of the Varsity game. She remarked that there were several girls who were at the top of the bleachers who were talking and being loud. She was very disappointed in the fact that not only were they cheerleaders but that these girls were not showing proper behavior during a moment that should be respected and valued. BUMMER!!!! :(

I told her that I expect more from my cheerleaders and that I would take this opportunity to educate you all on the appropriate behavior that should be shown during the anthem and/or the pledge of allegiance. Remember it's NOT really about being a cheerleader but more about being a US citizen and showing pride and respect for our country. Although because these girls were identified as cheerleaders she decided to pursue the issue. Unfortunately ... we are judged more harshly because we are cheerleaders and I wish it wasn't that way but ... it is. I have had several people approach me recently about various moral "issues" in regards to being a cheerleader. All I can say is ... at the end of the day, cheerleader or not, we are people and we make the same mistakes as everyone else. Let's just do our best to be respectful, responsible, and make good decisions. Let's take this comment and learn from it. You all know that I am constantly re-evaluating things and doing my best to make adjustments when necessary and I just ask that you do the same. :) Swaaaweeet!!

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